Multiple Languages

Built-in multiple language support (GUI), this allows your players to choose their preferred language, you also can add your own language very easy.

We have built-in support for multiple languages per player. Yes, we allow players to select their preferred language. By default, the plugin uses English (which can be changed in settings.yml) as the default language for all.

We welcome you to contribute new translations or improve existing ones. Please let us know. Currently, we only have English (US) as default language.

How to add your own language to the plugin.

In the example step below, I will add support language for Turkish

  1. Copy the the en-us.yml file in plugin folder McmmoGuiV2/lang/en-us.yml then rename the Turkish (tr-tr.yml) locale code, you also can find your locale code [Here].

  2. Seconds, you need to add translation of your new language to every existed language file.

        default: "English (Default)"
        en-us: "English (US)"
        vn-vi: "Vietnamese"
        tr-tr: "Turkish" # Your translation for Turkis here
  3. Navigate to the language selector GUI located at: McmmoGuiV2/gui/LanguageSelector.yml and add your new language button to the GUI.

    Language_Vietnamese: # Button name.
      Slots: [11]
      Locale: tr-tr # Your locale code here
      Material: head-eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvOTg1MmI5YWJhMzQ4MjM0ODUxNGMxMDM0ZDBhZmZlNzM1NDVjOWRlNjc5YWU0NjQ3Zjk5NTYyYjVlNWY0N2QwOSJ9fX0=
      ModelData: 1
      Flags: [ "*" ]
      Glow: false
  4. Reload the plugin by command /mgui reload

  5. Everything done, now you can translate your Turkish language file.

Last updated